Composer, Musician


My name is James Wyatt, but everyone calls me Jim. I'm a bassist, a composer, a singer, and an all around music lover. My love for music started young, listening to rock bands like AC/DC, Motorhead, Black Sabbath, and Van Halen. My music tastes grew, and I gained a love for swing music. Artists like Benny Goodman and Glenn Miller, and singers like Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin fueled my jazz side even to this day.

After listening to music, and falling in love with how it was created, I started playing bass in my high schools jazz band. From there, it only got better. I grew to become a confident musician, not just in the practice room, but on stage as well. In college, I play in the band as well.

But college is where i really got my start on composing. I have a minor in music, and one of the classes, I had to write a piece of music. The professor liked it so much, the band played it in concert. That's when I knew i had more in my life of music than just playing. What you see on this site is all the original music I have written, including the one that was played in concert.